Large colored status bar numbers let you easily monitor battery levels
Privacy concerns? Only two permissions and no ads!
Full and low battery alarm notification features
Battery Notifier (Big Text) reaches ONE MILLION downloads!
* Arial font in official Android colors
* Optional black square background
* Option to choose original green color (transparent only)
* Custom color options display the colors you want at the levels you want
* Dashboard with battery temperature/health and "plugged/unplugged since" info
* Action Bar with quick access to battery info and Restart/Stop Service
* Temperature/Voltage can be shown in extended notification area
* "Plugged/unplugged since" info in extended notification area
* Show smiley or battery level while charging
* Show smiley with sunglasses or battery icon when fully charged
Check out our new blog posts at
Battery Saving Tips
Status Bar Number or Battery Widget?
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Getting Battery Charging or Discharging Time
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Battery Notifier (Big Text) is one of the lightest apps available with a battery level indicator in the status bar and puts the least possible strain on your battery.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In Android 3.x/4.x and above, there is "automatic shrinking and dimming" for status bar notifications. The icons remain full-size and at full intensity in the expanded notification area. We have attempted to address this "shrinking and dimming" issue in Battery Notifier Pro BT. There is also an update posted on 3/18/2013.
For more information, see
If you're concerned about identity theft and your privacy rights, read
"Your right to privacy. You have a choice." at
If you are having a problem with Battery Notifier (Big Text) 2.1.6, e-mail us at so we can try and help. Thanks.
If you like Battery Notifier (Big Text), please consider supporting the developers by downloading Battery Notifier Pro BT. :-)
Battery Notifier Pro BT
Large colored status bar numbers let you easily monitor battery levels
Only two permissions and no ads!
Many battery notification features not found in other apps
Personalize and customize your status bar!
Numerous totally FREE HD add-ons with the brightest numbers for Android 3.x/4.x
* Roboto HD font in official Android colors
* Brighter ArialXL-b HD font for dimmer Android 3.x/4.x status bars
* Optional black background for light status bars
* Many extra-large and brighter HD add-on choices
* NEW - Charger connection alerts (Now both connected and disconnected options)
* NEW - Wireless charger support (Android 4.2 and up)
* Custom color options that work with 12 HD add-ons and legacy text add-ons
* 1% fix for many Motorola devices
"Fantastic app" "powerful battery manager" "clean and simple user interface" "easy-to-use" "definitely worth your time and money" - AppEggs.Com (Editor's Pick)
Compare all our alert features to other apps…
* Custom full charge notification percentage (70% to 100%)
* Play sound notifications in a loop
* Quiet hours (Mute alarms at certain hours)
* Various vibration lengths
* LED notifications (supported devices)
More information on Battery Notifier Pro BT available at
Battery Notifier (Big Text) and Battery Notifier Pro BT
are both based on Dmytro Shkil's Battery Notifier.